1、I am white, I am a fuckin bum, I do live in a trailer with my mom, My boy Future is an Uncle Tom I do got a dumb friend named Cheddar Bob who shoots himself in the leg with his own gun。
2、BoyslikehowVanillaIcegonnadissyou?quot MymottoFuckLotto! Igetthe7digitsfromyourmotherforadollatommorow! Ward,我想你们的理解好象有点问题 还有EddieHaskellWally和你们这些屠夫 哦 这里家伙一直在这里乱叫 我想他是神经透顶;Chorus副歌She said you tried to fuck her她说你过去想和她发生关系She#39s a motherfucking lie她是一个不要脸的说谎者Boy please, no way, whatever, not me, yeah you男孩,算了吧没门,无乱如何,不是我;Little gay looking boy So gay I can barely say it with a straight face looking boy You witnessing a massacre Like you watching a church gathering take place looking boy Oy vey, that boy#39s gay, that#39s;2pac Hit`em up So I fucked your bitch You fat muthafucka take money West side Bad boy killers take money You know who the realist is Niggas we bring it to take money ha ha, thats;quotYou#39re a good boy,quot said the mother proudly quotHere are two cents more But why are you so interested in the old woman?quot quotShe is the one who sells the candyquot 好孩子 小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱 “昨天给你。
3、150 He is a smart boy 他是个小机灵鬼151 He is just a 234 Mother doesn#39t make up 妈妈不化妆235 Oh,you are kidding Who is, however, fucking he? 9我不知道我现在做的哪些是对的。
4、歌名Phresh Out The Runway 所属专辑Unapologetic 时长342 歌手Rihanna 歌词I see you walk 我看见你走路 I hear you boy 我听见你的声音 I see you walk 我看见你走路 I love it, then come and get;The Next Episode feat Nate Dogg, Snoop DoggSnoop DoggLadadadadahh It#39s the motherfucking DOdoubleG SNOOP DOGG!Ladadadadahh You know I#39m mobbin#39 with the YEAH YEAH。
5、This guy aint no motherfuckin MC,I know everything he#39s got to say against me,I am white, I am a fuckin bum, I do live in a trailer with my mom,My boy Future is an Uncle TomI do got a。